Sunday, October 7, 2012

Resolving Conflict

It can be very challenging to resolve conflict when it involves sensitive issues with people who are close to you. The strategies that I have used this week while facing conflict within my personal life are actively listening, and being more empathetic. It was important for me to listen, ask questions and repeat information that was being told to me. I like to always mention that respecting a person's feelings and feedback is always important when resolving conflict. These strategies were effective because it is crucial for me to maintain the relationship that I have with these individuals. This week was very tough, but I was able to compromise and think about ways that I could avoid allowing the conflict to hinder my personal relationships. It was also important for me to affirm each persons feelings by not ignoring their feelings, and allowing silence to occur within the conversation. What are some ways that I can resolve conflict without moving away from my ultimate goal?


Temeka.Thatch said...

Thank you for sharing. I often have a hard time communicating with people close to me because i dont what to say or do hurtful things. This week I will set the goal of keeping an open mind when dealing with those close to me.

Alicia Youngs said...


You make a great point about silence occurring within a conversation. It is important for both parties to take time to pause and think about what the other person is saying before speaking to avoid insensitive comments. Thanks for sharing!