Saturday, June 1, 2013

Organizations In The Field of Early Childhood

The National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Departments of Education (NAECS-SDE) is a national organization for state education staff agency that has major responsibility in the field of early childhood.  This association promotes high-quality services to children and families by improving instruction, curriculum, and the administration of programs. Members of this organization have the opportunity to share ideas, and work together toward a solution to a problem.

The Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program, facilitates, partners and collaborates at the federal state and community levels to improve the health and development outcomes for at-risk children through home visiting programs that are evidence based. This program focuses on improving maternal and newborn health, preventing childhood injuries, child abuse, neglect, improving school readiness, and improving the coordination of referrals to other community resources and supports. I did not see any open positions on this site that I qualify for. If a position was open, I believe that I would have to have great knowledge of the early childhood field. I would also have to know state and federal regulations pertaining to health, nutrition and child abuse. This site interested me a lot because it seems that many services are provided to children including a home visiting curriculum which has been very beneficial to families.

Illinois Association for The Education of Young Children is Illinois largest early childhood professional organization that has over 3200 members. The members have dedicated their time and efforts to improving the education and lives of young children in their community and throughout the state. This organization advocates for children, educates the public about the importance of the early years and provides professional development opportunities for members. There were no recent open positions with this organization. I suspect that with this organization as well as the others that I have discussed that a person must be knowledgeable in the field of early childhood. This will include having sound knowledge of developmental milestones and being committed to serving families while participating in opportunities for professional development opportunities.

1 comment:

Rohzawne said...

Dear Shevia,

Thank you for sharing. My job requires us to make home visits. I have learned that an essential skill to have is knowing how to communicate. Sometimes, my team needs to read the non-verbal communication in order to slow down with the amount of information we are providing to the family.